The territory and the city and the crossroads of the 20th century


  • Daniel González Romero



Territory, city, Latin America, real world.


The theme that I propose to address is perhaps the one that has occupied us most, impassioned, and in which the city and the territory as a place confirming contexts, of ideologies, imaginary and utopian. In this intervention, Latin America becomes the central axis in which cities and territories are linked. Though I do not deal here with details or particularities with regard to time and place. That is to say, it seeks to carry out a brief examination of our region, to see it in the depths and breadths of its reality through a critical look, at a moment in which there is little impassioned and intense discussion, because according to the thoughts of many analysts, we have lost the course regarding what our region is. That makes it necessary for us to stop in this exercise since the region currently finds itself interwoven in its future, much more so than in other moments, to the events that are restructuring the contexts of the process of development of humanity. Therefore amongst the fundamental questions stands out the need to distinguish, to question with emphasis: What is Latin America today and where is it going?




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