Towards revitalizing urban life through urban regeneration in historical context : case study inner core of Kermanshah city in Iran
Since the recent decades, Historic Urban Quarters have emerged as a focus of many regeneration efforts. Clearly these important areas of city have their specific identity and character but mostly they lost their viability. Like other countries, many big cities in Iran have a historical and traditional background and their old tissues are valuable. The problems of these sites, based on different angles of urban life, could be summarized as disorder of the built environment, natural environment and socio-economic environment. In this regard, the main goal of this survey is to propose design policies for Inner core of Kermanshah City as the case study through a new strategic framework. Therefore, in this paper, firstly, we will study concepts and definitions of urban regeneration and proposed principles of urban task force group in order to have more liveable design. Then by applying SWOT technique we will analyze the existing situation of the case.Descargas