Architecture and Entrepreneurship


  • Ivan Shumkov


Palabras clave:

Ivan Shumkov, Catedra Blanca, Build Academy.


In this phase of my life, I’m a New York based entrepreneur, architect, educator and the Founder of Build Academy. Below is a snapshot of a bit of my journey and my work that hopefully can be of inspiration to others. Looking back at my journey, I try to connect the dots, see how I got here and where I’m heading. Architecture has the unique capacity to manifest new realities and raise people’s consciousness. It opens so many paths that can make a positive difference in the world if followed thoroughly with passion and perseverance.
My life and work maintain a bridge between architecture, entrepreneurship, research, teaching, leadership and social activism. I demonstrate the non-traditional path of an architect and highlight the potential within the realm of architecture. The impact of my work can be seen from the social impact projects that I was involved with, to the thousands of people that he has educated and inspired through my teaching in universities and online. My work as entrepreneur went beyond into starting a global movement for resilient, sustainable, inclusive and conscious communities and cities. I am willing to collaborate with anyone who shares the same passion for discovering the world and making a positive difference into it.





