Observation in movement. Paths for apprehending appropriations of public spaces by app deliverers


  • Cândida Zigoni de Oliveira Landeiro Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro UFRJ




The researches that seeks to understand the relationship of the body in space needs to practice sensitive listening to the human experience. This article, prepared for the discipline Post-Occupancy Evaluation of the Built Environment and Landscape (POE) in the Master’s course in Architecture at UFRJ, aims to design methodological paths from a listening instrument, so that it is possible to investigate the experience of app delivery workers in the city as a strategy for apprehending the new dynamics of public spaces from a pandemic context. The research, the result of a master's dissertation under development, focuses on investigating the use and appropriation of public spaces by these workers, here called "pit stop". Therefore, when looking for ways for such apprehension, in this article steps of a methodological proposition will be presented, based on incorporated observation (Rheingantz, 2009), which seeks to establish a growing relationship between the researcher, the field and the subject, they are: approximation, immersion, impregnation, experimentation and perception. The problem of the precariat on the rise, the course of the uberization of work and its spatial repercussions in the city are identified. Thus, observation in movement is shown as a relevant strategy for a close and attentive look at the consolidation of the modus operandi of an on-demand city.

Keywords: Incorporated observation, Public Space, App Deliverers




