The lefebvrian concept of form in the riverside space. A study about the Elesbão neighborhood, at Santana (AP)


  • Chrys de Araújo Oliveira Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal da Bahia (PPGAU-UFBA)



This article intends to understand Henri Lefebvre's concept of form, observing the form-content relationship that is engendered in the conformation of urban spaces, especially when thinking about Amazonian urbanities. The case study in the Elesbão neighborhood, in Santana (AP), is used to point the hypothesis that Amazonian subjectivities build different territorialities that, above all, do not fit into the urban and rural dichotomy of the discipline of urbanism, which makes it pertinent another view to the riverside spaces. Thus, the research occoured since the analysis of the place from field visits and dialogue with local residents, along with a bibliographic conceptual review that points the addressed discussion. In addition, as a result of the research, the urban differences between Santana’s downtown and the Elesbão neighborhood is beyond the spatial conformation of the place that is born on the banks of the Amazon River, but in its cultural, social and economic aspects, and discussing them is essential to take the debate of the urban Amazon out of the margins.

Keywords: riverside territory, Henri Lefebvre, urban Amazon, urban form.




