Planning, regulation and project instruments. The case of the city of Córdoba, Argentina, XXI century


  • Monica Martínez Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • María Julia Schiavoni Facultad de Arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones científica, CONICET



The presentation is part of the research work Instruments to plan the territory and project the city: challenges to achieve conditions of sustainability and development, project of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina (2018-2022) This development proposes to analyze the planning, regulation and urban project instruments applied during the 21st century to the city of Córdoba, to assess the integration between processes and tools, the existence or not of a dominant model and the recognition of urban theories. /s to which it is ascribed in the different periods. This city, with 1.3 million inhabitants (2010 National Census), polarizes an extended metropolitan region, the Córdoba Metropolitan Region (RMC) comprises a set of 56 localities with an approximate population of 1.8 million inhabitants (2010). It is expected to verify the coherence of urban planning, regulation and the urban project, in order to propose guidelines that allow critical assessment of current problems, such as the definition of forms of growth and development, in the medium and long term.

Keywords: plans, projects, regulations, city of Córdoba, Argentina.




