O Porto num tempo e num mundo


  • Patricia Reis M. Braz FAUP/CEAU
  • Teresa Cálix FAUP




Em 1994, Saskia Sassen lançou o livro Cities in a World Economy, que trata do reposicionamento das cidades no contexto da globalização. Quando as cidades assumem determinados protagonismos aproximam-se muito mais com outros espaços do mercado internacional do que com outras cidades da região ou do país. O livro vem sendo reeditado a cada seis anos, com última versão em 2018, e seus conteúdos revistos e acrescidos, contextualizando os tempos e o mundo a partir de sua argumentação primeira. No fim do século XX, o Porto, em Portugal, passou pelo desafio de debater sua internacionalização, com resultados bastante visíveis na atualidade. A possibilidade do confronto da leitura em edições sequenciais permite confirmar tendências apontadas, observar novos fenómenos globais e, sobretudo, seus efeitos sobre a condição urbana, oferecendo conceitos e métodos que servem como uma guia de leitura de um caso particular, como o Porto.

Biografía del autor/a

Teresa Cálix, FAUP

Teresa Calix graduated in Architecture (1998), Master in Urban Planning and Design (2002) and PhD in Architecture (2013), with a PhD thesis that focus on the Morphologies of Contemporary City. Currently she is Assistant Professor at FAUP, where she is the coordinator of the study profile Dynamics and Urban Forms of the PhD Programme in Architecture and she is the head of the course Projecto 5 – urban design studio – and Urbanística 2 of the Integrated Master in Architecture. She also collaborates in the course Urban Project Studio of the Master in Spatial Planning and Urban Project (from FAUP and Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto). She is also the coordinator of the research group Morphologies and Dynamics of the Territory of the Centre for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (MDT-CEAU-FAUP), having participated in several research and consultancy projects. Among them stand out the Regional Plans for the North and Centre of Portugal, which led to an applied-research project, requested by the Regional Coordination and Development Commission of the North of Portugal (CCDR-N), aimed at the definition of orientations for the territorial cohesion of the North-western region of Portugal. This project paid special attention to post-crisis context and low-density areas, addressing critical planning and management issues and specific forms of territorial occupation that are usually less studied. It is also worth noticing her participation in the on-going research project “Mapping Public Housing: A critical review of the State-subsidized residential architecture in Portugal (1910-1974)”, funded by FCT (Portuguese foundation that supports cutting-edge research projects) and based at CEAU-FAUP.




