A iluminação artificial como elemento estruturador da paisagem urbana contemporânea


  • Mariana Garcia Junqueira
  • Gilberto Sarkis Yunes




This article presents the analysis of artificial urban lighting as a facilitator element in the perception of the process of cities construction and configuration. This portion of the research objectives to support guidelines for a Municipal Master Plan of Lighting, proposed as an auxiliary tool in the management of the landscape structuration process in contemporary cities. Currently, there are two methodologies: the french movement L' Urbanisme Lumière and the now global City Beautification. The performance of artificial lighting in urban design allows us to offer a variety of readings as revelations of times of the city, giving the desire intonations to the landscape. Is found that the design of artificial lighting design can create conditions of comfort and visual compositions, reveal some urban sectors, enhance the appearance of objects and create the adequate atmosphere for the information that is wanted to be shown.




Sede Lisboa