La industria de la carne como paisaje: el lugar de los mataderos y mercados de hacienda en la ciudad


  • Nadia Jacob



The present work proposes to advance in the study of the livestock landscape focusing on the place of it on the urban scale. We assume that the meat industry played a fundamental role in the process of transforming cities. This is so that the cattle establishments went from having in its origins a marginal place in the city, to become important generators of urbanity and cultural imaginary. In order to confirm these assumptions, on the one hand, we review the conceptual construction of the industry as a landscape and as a project in urbanism. While on the other hand, we analyze the process of material and symbolic configuration of the urban livestock landscape from a comparative analysis of a local case study, slaughter houses and meet markets of the city of Rosario (Santa Fe, Argentina), with an emblematic reference case, La Villette (Paris, France)



