Las ¿nuevas formas? de los asentamientos informales: formas y actores en la construcción de los barrios en el borde urbano del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires


  • Lucas Jordán Dombroski



Settlements, the result of land seizures or informal subdivisions, are a relevant topic in the bibliography ofLatin American, and have been examined in Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires since its origins in the 1980s. Several studies have dealt with the construction process of these in their concern to keep a certain regularity to resemble the "formal" neighborhoods and differentiate themselves from the stigmatized villas. Although its description in terms of regular constitutes an idealization, in recent years there is evidence of new networks of actors with particular relationships, who build the habitat in a different way. In order to account for the different ways in which neighborhoods are built, it is proposed to examine them from the initial occupation and throughout the construction process, understanding that their knowledge results in an important contribution to reflect on the design and implementation of policies public.



