Transformaciones territoriales en la interfase urbano-rural de Cordoba: la producción frutihortícola del Cinturón Verde de la ciudad de Córdoba, como servicios ecosistémicos


  • Natacha Gordillo



54% of population of the world lives in urban areas (UN-Habitat, 2008) and in Argentina 92% (INDEC 2010). This process of sprawl of urbanization manifests in the periphery without infrastructures and deficient services. This situation destroy areas of strategic importance for the sustainability of the territories. In the city of Córdoba there is the sprawl of periphery and the extensive crops, both reduce the area of intensive crops, called green belt and loss of biodiversity and environmental quality of periurban area. The object of the present paper is put value to the ecosystems services or function to the city, we also called green belt, the focus is in the capacity of proximity food production of Córdoba, and another functions tha improve urban enviromental quality. The goal is to produce urban planification estrategic to preser the ecossistem services esential to the city.



