The city as a digital classroom: teaching urbanism and architecture through mobile learning and augmented reality technologies: feasibility and study case


  • Ernesto Redondo Domínguez
  • Alberto Sánchez Riera
  • Joaquim Moya Sala



Educational research, augmented reality, mobile learning, architectural representation.


Our primary goal in this paper is to evaluate how the new Information Technology and Communication are incorporated into the educational processes, adding motivation, flexibility and mobility. We've first carried out an architectural feasibility study, where we have defined methodologies and resources, and then we've performed a case of study with students from Building Engineering of the Barcelona Tech University, where we've tested the academic performance and computer competences improvement in an urban environment. We've used for that virtual modeling, augmented reality and mobile learning technologies. In this second case, we have defined an experimental group of students and the parameters to be evaluated. Questionnaires were used to assess the degree of satisfaction and the ease of use of the technology. Our findings show that these technology, with a high usability rate, increase academic performance, and the speed and agility in the acquisition of knowledge, expanding student's graphical skills.




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