About the Publication

Focus and Scope

ACE journal is aimed at disseminating advanced research in specialized media (universities, research centers, R&D departments of companies, etc.) in the following research fields:

  • Architectonic and urban heritage: Restoration, rehabilitation and intervention of architectonic and urban heritage.
  • Urban History: Historical evolution analysis of cities, of its physical, economic, social, cultural transformations. Principles and methods evolution for urban planning and land and urban management.
  • Urban and land studies: Urban and land structure analysis. Cities system and metropolitan areas. Urbanization and building models and morphologies.
  • Planning and land and city management: Land and urban planning, urban management and planning execution.
  • Land politics and housing: Landuse, generation and recovering of plusvalues, housing planning and social integral housing, etc.
  • Planning, transport management and urban mobility analysis and mobility management.
  • Land and city administration: Land organization, smart administration techniques for urban and land administration reality, social cohesion and participation "Governance".
  • Urban ecology: urban and land ecosystem, materia, energy and information flows analysis and diagnosis.
  • Urban environment and sustainability: urban life quality and sustainability, environmental diagnosis of urban and land planning, sustainable planning and management of cities, sustainable mobility.
  • Energy, architecture and city: quality and confort analysis and control of the urban and architectonic environments.
  • Environmental behaviour of buildings and urban systems: thermic, light and acoustic valuation of architectonic and urbanistic spaces: techniques of energy enhancement of the architecture and its environs; integration of energy renewal systems.
  • Urban and environmental valuation: Land and real estate valuation, feasibility study of economic and social projects integrated to land and urban interventions.
  • Information city and society: land and urban transformation analysis of the society information era, "knowledge city".
  • Geographic and land information systems: Urban and land management and analysis, via new technologies. GIS and Remote Sensing.
  • Urban representation:Graphic expresion of city and land, geometry and 3D model, color and shape of city architecture.
  • Virtual city and heritage: Aplication of virtual reality (VR), Increased reality in the analysis and architectonic heritage representation, and city and land new technologies.

The former topics will be structured in five basic sections:

  1. Article's Section. This section is destinated to large contributions that as objective the discussion of great relevance theoretical or empirical topics framed in the last description.
  2. Special Section. This section is intended to fall within one specific contributions of the research areas proposed above. The appearance of this section is possible.
  3. Doctoral and Msc. Thesis Section. This section is destinated to give publicity to PhD works that have been defended in public.
  4. Section Notes. In this section will be published articles or short notes have as objective the reflexion around the policies that affect directly to the territori, to land policy, housing and environment in general. Just as general reflections on these themes or critical reviews that summarize other papers.
  5. Legislation section. In this section it will give publicity, and in the case will be published, the molt relevant laws in the topics related by the journal. The appearance of this section is possible.

Peer Review Process

In addition to the Editorial Committee, the journal also has a Scientific Committee composed by international experts. The articles received will be submitted to a formal evaluation in the first step and, to guarantee its originality, to a similarity analysis, through the URKUND platform. In addition, subsequently an external double blind peer-review.

Open Access Policy

The Journal is Open Access, which implies that the access to the published papers is immediate and free of charge,with the objective of making the results of the research contained in the different sections public on a global scale.  Its articles are under the license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

Visibility and indexing

This journal is indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), SCOPUS, Avery Index to Architectural Perodicals, ÍnDICEs CSIC, and Urbadoc. It is also found in the DOAJ, ROAD, Dialnet, RACO, and Net Scientific Journals directories.

It is evaluated by SCIMAGO, Dialnet métricasERIH+, MIAR, Latindex, and CIRC.

Open access policy: Dulcinea

Information at Google Scholar
Information at Dimensions

Digital preservation policies

Perpetual access and preservation of the contents of the magazine are guaranteed through storage on secure servers and the technical requirements are met to ensure interoperability with other information systems. The actions carried out to guarantee the preservation of its content are:

  • Daily and weekly backups, to guarantee the recovery of data in case of chance. Copies are sent periodically to other locations to have geographically dispersed copies. All that is validated to ensure the correct preservation of its content.
  • Content integrity checks are made periodically to ensure that it has not been modified since its deposit. It is planned to extend this check to detect the presence of viruses that may affect the integrity of the files.


This journal is co-edited by the University Center of Art, Architecture and Design (CUAAD), of the University of Guadalajara (UdG), Jalisco, Mexico.