ACE Call for Papers "Health, Architecture, City and Environment during and after the COVID-19 pandemic"


ACE; Architecture, City and Environment Journal, is no stranger to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and recognizes that it has had the most far-reaching impact on the daily life of the planet after the Second Great War. That is why we want to serve as a platform to debate the short and medium-term challenges of the current health situation and that is why, from the June issue, it inaugurates the special section “Health, Architecture, City and Environment during and after the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Without pretending to be exhaustive, we expect contributions from different disciplines and theoretical and applied approaches in the field of housing, multi-family collective spaces, as well as commercial, hotel, health, tertiary, educational, sports, productive, and logistical spaces; in public spaces, transportation, mobility, recreation, residential changes, commerce and local healthcare services; urban parks, recreational spaces, the natural environment, rural populations, peri-urban environments, and its re-naturalization. We hope for works supported by a solid theoretical and empirical base, including too well-motivated, disciplinary, and transversal reflections, especially if it allows us to enforce emerging lines of research. The articles will be submitted to an external evaluation by blind-peers review, as is usual in ACE.