Virtual City, and Territory. 2004-2019, Barcelona 15 Years After




international conference, regional and urban systems, applied ICT, social aspects


This article introduces the special section, which presents a selection of outstanding papers from the XIII Edition of the International Conference Virtual City and Territory (CTV), held in Barcelona in September of 2019. In this way, is made a brief presentation of the Conference, organized by the Center for Land Policy and Valuations (CPSV), started in June of 2004 (Barcelona), proposed as a meeting place to present developments in virtual models and representation tools of the built environment, centered on three blocks: Virtual Cities in the World, Virtual Territory and 3D Cartography, and Virtual Representation of Heritage. Likewise, the evolution of its contents is presented (during its alternate editions between Europe and Latin America) which showed a first great inflection in its fourth edition of 2007, in Guadalajara (Mexico), in which, based on its call to “Rethink the City” topics of social relevance were introduced, without losing sight of ICT, as analysis tools. This approach is that it has been advancing until its last edition of 2019, fifteen years after its beginning, again in Barcelona, whose call was “Challenges and paradigms of the contemporary city.” Finally, there is a brief presentation of the works that compose the section, derived from the thematic sessions that were held during the conference.






Special section