Service Learning in Architecture Teaching: Participatory Budgeting and Sustainable Development Goals




Citizen participation, governance, service learning, educational innovation


This article presents the result of a research project based on educational innovation is presented here. This project combines teaching and research work in the degrees of Architecture and Social Work with the involvement of students in the participatory budgeting scheme of the City Council of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The main goal of this research is to analyse the potential of the transfer of social technology and the promotion of synergies between citizens, technicians and professionals who are being trained in our universities, and public administrations. It is developed through university education in the field of citizen participation which is based on service-learning methodologies. The Sustainable Development Goals are conceived as the framework of the proposal, providing the disciplines of architecture and social work the opportunity to integrate the requirements implied by the concept of sustainable development. Its approach is based on the improvement of the urban governance, with its practical application, through planning, design, and the use of management tools. The case study is developed during three call periods for participatory budgetings and it consist of four phases. The success of the proposals presented demonstrates the potential opportunities that this educational and transfer strategy represents for future collaborations between the university and citizens. In the field of architecture, we are interested in highlighting that this proposal proposes a different way of conceiving architectural creation, promoting the work of the architect as a translator or mediator between the language of architecture and society.

Author Biographies

Vicente Javier Díaz-García, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Is a Ph.D. architect from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), with a specialization in development cooperation from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM); has stayed in Matera, Newcastle, Lisboa, Chile, Honduras, and Uruguay; Since 2014 he is professor of the degree in architecture at the ULPGC. Currently, he is part of the URSCAPE Research Group, within the TIDES Institute and coordinator of various Educational Innovation projects. Research topics: citizen participation, development cooperation, domestic architecture, and cultural heritage.

Maria LopezDeAsiain, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

BArch DipArch by the University of Seville, (2001),MArch in Renewable Energies by the International University of Andalusia (2004). PhD Thesis “Environmental Teaching in Architecture” by the Polythecnic University of Catalonia (2005).

Senior researcher, she was awarded the Environmental Young Prize (Premio Joven Medioambiente) by the Complutense University of Madrid for best environmental research at national level (2006). She has been the Spanish coordinator of the European project EDUCATE from 2009 to 2012. She has been collaborating with HABITEC Foundation in several urban sustainable regeneration research projects (2014-2016). Nowadays she is a Faculty Member at the School of Architecture of las Palmas, Canary Islands (2019-22).

Her research interest focus on sustainability in architecture and urban planning, initially from a bioclimatic and environmental approach and then incorporating both economic (economy for the common good, circular economy) and social aspects (governance and citizen participation). This approach is transversally complemented with specific research in innovative educational methodologies.






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