National Peripheries and Cultural Heritage: Community Building on the European margins




Peripheries, borderlands, building, small towns


This paper examines different heritagization processes in peripheral areas of Southern (the Portuguese-Spanish border in the Lower Guadiana Basin) and Central (Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland) Europe, while defining the peripherality of these borderland regions from a geographic as well as a socio-economic perspective. We pay particular attention to community building initiatives involving heritage mobilization, i.e., the participation of local communities in activities related to heritage enhancement, the participatory strategies, and the actors in these social processes. Despite the differences in the historical development of the countries selected, their peripheries face similar processes while generating different responses to those issues. Through the description of selected, locally based cases, the paper explores the varieties and the specifics of heritagization in peripheral regions (such as the role of in/stability of the borders, issues around the adaptability/resilience of local communities and sustainable growth strategies as well as the balance of local/global aspects in heritagization). Finally, the description and interpretation of the cases brings up new questions and addresses new issues which can be analysed and developed in further research (e.g., the role of the boundaries, communication/cooperation in cross-border communities, the differentiation of heritagization, etc.).

Author Biographies

Pedro Albuquerque, University of Seville, Uniarq, Centro de Estudos Globais (UAb)

Pedro Albuquerque, PhD, (Lisbon, 1978) is a researcher "María Zambrano" from the University of Seville, and also from Uniarq (University of Lisbon, Portugal) and Centre of Global Studies (Aberta University, Portugal). He is also researcher in the research group HUM-152 (De la Turdetania a la Bética). His PhD thesis focused on a comparative study of Tartessos from an archaeological and literary perspective. He is the author of several papers on cross-cutting research about Iberian Iron Age archaeology, the depiction of ancient Iberian communities in Classical and Near Eastern literature and sixteenth-century historiography. He is currently working on the Iron Age and the Roman settlement of the Lower Guadiana Valley (eighth century BC to first century AD) in the context of a project dedicated to the enhancement of the archaeological heritage of the Luso-Spanish borderlands. His research interests also include cartography and the construction of borderlands from the Middle Ages to the present day. He is a researcher on several international projects in both Portugal and Spain.

Francisco José García Fernández, University of Seville

Ph.D. Associate Professor. Department of Prehistory and Archaeology. Sevilla University

Jiří Janáč, Charles University, Prague

Ph.D. Charles University 

Jan Krajíček, Charles University, Prague

Ph.D. Candidate. Charles University






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