Barcelona 1854-1856: Crónicas del Ensanche, reflexiones de Antonio Brusi Ferrer


  • Sara Anna Mangiagalli



This article is the result of research that has allowed us to add a new figure to the complex political and intellectual framework of one of the most decisive aspects in the history of Barcelona: the demolition of the city’s walls. Moved by the interest to individualise the fundamental stages of what was the project of disconnexion and sale of Barcelona’s walls, after a stagnation of our research in the reconstruction of the financial project presented by Pascual Madoz Ibáñez, we have wanted to focus this study on a revaluation of the observations published by the then director of the "brusi" concerning the enlargement of Barcelona during the "liberal biennium. " Guided by the figure of Antonio Brusi Ferrer, we have generated our research paying attention to individualising the different nuances shades assumed by the demolition of the walls and the subsequent widely-debated enlargement of the Catalonian Capital in the Diario de Barcelona between 1854 and 1856.




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