Vivienda social latinoamericana: la clonación del paisaje de la exclusión


  • Isabel Rodríguez Chumillas



Large capital cities such as Mexico City , Santiago de Chile and Bogota , disproportionately extend their metropolitan peripheries with residential mega-projects, covering huge areas and with elevated numbers of houses. These developments comprise the mass production of cheap housing. This paper examines and interprets these changes in the production of housing, emphasising the role of the property developers and the leading role closed urbanism which has extended towards low-income social groups under different legal-planning formulas, amongst which the condominium stands out. Today in the cities of Latin America, and in particular in the boundaries with the United States , there is a proliferation of closed streets and houses without corridors. Owing to the social housing being deficient in size, design and quality, this translates into a closed morphology which asserts the generalisation of modes of living which suggest a greater specialisation and a new socio-spatial configuration of land, of landscapes and architecture of exclusion.




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