Límits al mètode de comparança: límits al mètode de comparança amb el mercat


  • Esteve Cabré Puig




This study undertakes as main objective the problematic one of the appraisal by the method of comparison, situating us in its limits d' enforceability, for such of optimizing al maximum its utilization. By this studies and investigates their borders, borders that will bring us to identify possible limits that the market detects in certain products that also we design the architects, and their appraisal. Appraisal, that someone can understand as a result it d' to apply a magisterial formula; that as should always serve like prior step to it takes of decisions, already be individuals or collective, public or private, judicial or out-of-court; by means of the method of comparison. The answer is presented in three levels. It intends to answer to the question ¿reason failure the method of comparison?, since an approach of character but theoretical, with the so much spirit to understand because not always the method can be successful, as that of finding solid answers to some intuitions. Since another especially practical level, alien and own experiences are presented, the common denominator of which is to elevate the knowledge of the method as well as to show the situations in which could be detected limits in their application. Finally and really l' last conceived, in part by the result obtained in the search of the magisterial formula, and in part by the need of sistematitzar the experience, a luck of morphology of the failure of the method, with the original contribution of the one that we will call as index of disastrous products.




Thesis section