Expansión y reconversión económica de la zona metropolitana del Valle de México, una mirada de 1970 a 2000


  • Rodolfo Montaño Salazar




This paper is centred on the idea that the structural changes in the economy of cities have a direct relation with the physical expansion of the metropolitan peripheries. This assertion leads one to identify two essential processes which are gestating within the interior of the city: firstly the physical expansion of the metropolitan periphery, and secondly, the economic reconversion of the said city. These processes have an influence on one another, without being inconsistent the one with the other. In order to measure these two processes, five indicators of a physical and socio-economic order have been implemented, which allow for an analysis of the territorial and functional characterisation of the areas comprising the metropolitan periphery of Mexico City, between 1970 and 2000 .




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