Jornada “connectivitat ecològica, planificació territorial i sistemes d'informació geogràfica: experiències recents” celebrada el 22 de juny de 2006 a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona


  • Xavier Carceller Roqué
  • Laura Camprubí Trepat



This seminar formed part of the activities of the City and Ecology network; this network is coordinated by the CPSV and comprises research groups belonging to several Catalan universities, environmental bodies of different public administrations and other public organizations. The network aims to develop an interdisciplinary debate concerning the functioning of the city from an ecological point of view. The goal was to share different experiences of integrating ecological connectivity within regional planning processes in Catalonia , at different levels and scales , comparing the different conceptual and methodological approaches and, in this context, the use of geographical information systems as an indispensable tool.




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