The spatial structure of employment and economies of agglomeration: the case of industry in the Metropolitana Region of Barcelona


  • Miquel-Àngel García López



Economies de agglomeration, urban structure spatial, industrial employment growth, intra-metropolitan location.


Following an exhaustive analysis and characterisation of the spatial distribution of the industrial employment in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona (RMB), this paper analyses the role played by the economies of agglomeration in the change of the spatial structure of the employment, experienced by the city in recent years. Using the variation in the municipal concentration of industrial employment between 1991 and 2003 as an indicator of changes in the spatial structure of the employment, the spatial impact of the economies of agglomeration that operate at the local scale – the municipality and three concentric areas lying at a distance of 5, 8 and 12 kilometres from the central municipality - is explored. These economies of agglomeration emerge from the CBD and from the principal specialised sub-centres of the region, and the network economies associated to the total number of workplaces of the region, the access to which depends upon the distance with respect to the main transportation infrastructures.




Thesis section