Models of urban coast: morphology and structural complexity in urban and territorial scale in Metropolitan Region of Barcelona


  • Nicolas Colaninno
  • Josep Roca Cladera



Models of urbanization, coastal urbanization, territorial fragmentation, complexity, shape.


The work is presented as a reflection on the "form" of different cities typologies and proximity the relationships that bind a territorial basis, in a contemporary vision of development, with particular attention to the influence of urban systems close to the sea. The objective is to delineate, graphically models through an operation of abstraction made on sites identified by Land Cover dataset of CORINE project for year 2000; allocate to each scheme, different scales of numerical values, after classifying different urban settlements groups by means of statistical analyses; showing, finally, on the effective perimeters the interaction between defined spatial models, because, along the Mediterranean coast, the municipal boundaries are blurring by the effect of the new dynamics developers. In addition seeks discussing concepts such as dissemination and urban fragmentation, "drawing" various patterns of recognizable urbanization models over the territory and establishing criteria for reading logical conceptual of the urban development phenomena.




Thesis section