The impact of quality building materials on the satisfaction of the individual: an analysis based on subjective perception survey


  • Silvia Spairani Berrio
  • Eva María García Alcocel
  • Josep Roca Cladera



Indicator of quality of materials, indicator of perceived quality, survey analysis.


The discipline of the appraisal does not foresee at present a multidimensional indicator of the materials for its calculation. This fact has a special incidence in the obtaining of the market value of the real states, as it makes impossible to evaluate the objective quality of the materials and the subjective perception of that intrinsic quality. The aim of this article is to design a multidimensional indicator of perceived quality that quantifies perception or degree of satisfaction in the individual, including parameters of measure in materials used in pavement and coating for residential use. To such effects, two surveys have been designed for 400 users and 35 technicians. These surveys implement the obtained datum and analyse the congruence of them. The results reveal that in general there is a group of versatile materials that are perceived from the point of view of the quality by users as well as by technicians, no matter where the materials were proposed to be applied for or their location.




Thesis section