Cohabitation and safety: urban intervention strategies in the public space in segregated and conflict areas. Case study: Mine district


  • María Daniela Idrovo Alvarado
  • M. Pilar Garcia-Almirall



Coexistence, security, public space, natural surveillance.


Can we use city planning as a tool to prevent crime? This is the analysis of an urban intervention in a neighborhood called La Mina (2000) and it´s influence on the security and violence in the neighborhood. A neighborhood with a history of physical and social conflicts and segregation. The methodology used in the research was triangulated between literature review, collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. The research results corroborate our hypothesis showing that urbanism could be used as an effective way to prevent crime, but such interventions are not sufficient to create a safe neighborhood, or have a good living. They must first eradicated underlying social problems such as drug traffic and consumption, truancy, antisocial behavior, etc. In the district of La Mina, 12 years have passed and more than 200 million have been invested. The neighborhood is not dangerous but is still controversial and has serious problems of coexistence




Thesis section