Influence of dweelings roofsgeometry in order to incorporate active solar technologies (BIPVTA)


  • Esteban Felipe Zalamea Universidad del Bio Bio



Solar Energy, Architectural Integration of Solar Collectors, Housing, BIPVTa.


Architectural integration of active solar energy systems (hybrid collectors with air) on dwelling´s roofs is reviewed, in recent single housing of Concepcion, Chile. Influence of volumetric configuration of roof and sides is identified. Also roof azimuth incidence was reviewed establishing that considerable deviations are allow without losing high irradiation rates. It is concluded that irradiation levels between 73% and 39% of the domestic demand in a winter day is available on average Largest Roof Section (LRS) or Second Larger Roof Section (SLRS) indexes. Then, Building Integration Photovoltaic & Thermal with Air Cooling technology was hypothetically displayed in the highest LRS house and in the lower SLRS house. These analysis showed that, LRS case production reach a 585% of the electricity demand an average day of summer and 41% in winter. Considering the SLRS case, energy production of 185% of the electricity demand is expected an average day of summer, but in a winter day only 10%. Finally, a relationship between long sides of building to get larger roof sections for active solar potential was found.

Author Biography

Esteban Felipe Zalamea, Universidad del Bio Bio

Esteban Zalamea León is an Ecuadorian Architect with an M.Sc. degree in Building Construction (2012) from the University of Cuenca, Ecuador. He is currently a doctorate student since 2013 at the University of Bío Bío, Concepción, Chile. He is a former teacher at the University of Azuay, Ecuador (2011-2012) and Univesity Mayor, Temuco, Chile (2014) and a former Research Coordinator of the MSc (Building Constructions) Program at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador.

He joined the CON-FIN (Concepción-Finlandia) research group in 2013. He participated at the Sigradi Congress of Valparaiso-Chile (2013), World Sustainable Congress held on Barcelona (2014) and Euro Elecs Congress on Guimaraes, Portugal (2015).

His publications have appeared in: the RIOC Journal of Universidad de la Frontera, Chile (2012); the A y U Journal of Universidad de la Habana (2013); the Journal of Constructions of Universidad Católica de Chile (2014).






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