Designing baselines for developing an integrated coastal zone management system in the Adriatic: experience in Slovenia




Integrated coastal zone management, terrestrial and aquatic areas, methodology, approach, project bases


The aim of this study was to design baselines for developing an Integrated coastal zone management system (ICZM), as required by the ICZM Protocol (2008) for the Adriatic. Using descriptive and experimental methods, we simulated the process of drawing-up the Municipal Detailed Spatial Plan (OPPN) for spatial developments in the coastal zone of the Strunjan Bay, which is protected under different protection schemes. The simulation was directed at recognising the existing spatial planning and urban design system and at defining the starting points to develop an integrated management system. We found that nowadays the existing system in the Republic of Slovenia is hindered by the strictly separate jurisdictions for the marine part and terrestrial part, and the established methodological practice focusing purely on producing spatial planning documents for land. The aquatic land management system is based on a partial granting of concession rights for the use of water land and is, in reality, non-comparable to the system of management on land. To bring about “integration” it is necessary to find a new approach that would increase the range of participating stakeholders, project starting points, and the manner of their methodological treatment.

The study was conducted under the SHAPE[1] project; its results are intended to be used by institutions at the local and national levels responsible for coastal zone management.

[1] Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between coast and sea (2011–2014).

Author Biography

Gregor Čok, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture Zoisova 12, 1000 Ljubljana

Gregor Čok, BArch., PhD., Chair of Design, graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana in 1998 and in 2004 received his PhD with the dissertation titled “The Development of a Regional Network of Economic Areas in the Conditions of Modern Information Society”. His main professional and research fields are residential and economic area planning, and preparing spatial strategic and planning documents. Giving lectures: Urban Anthropology, assistant tutor at Design Studio I, II, III. Projects: Project CAMP SLOVENIA “Coastal Area Management Programme” (2005–2007). Project TIGR “Sustainable and Innovative Civil Engineering: the Development of the Building Concept” (2011–2013). Project SHAPE “Shaping an Holistic Approach to Protect the Adriatic Environment between Coast and Sea” (2011–2014). Project PUT-UP ISTRE “Spatial Planning of the Territory – Istrian Inland and Littoral” (2015–2016).






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