Employing biomimicry in urban metamorphosis seeking for sustainability: case studies


  • M. Salim Ferwati Qatar University, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (DAUP)
  • Maryam AlSuwaidi Qatar University, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (DAUP).
  • Arezou Shafaghat Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego, United States and MIT-UTM MSCP Program, Institute Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Malaysia
  • Ali Keyvanfar Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego, United States MIT-UTM MSCP Program, Institute Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Malaysia




Biomimicry, Sustainability, Urban Metamorphosis, Human Instincts



The current study has aimed to develop the framework of biomimicry involvement in urban metamorphosis for sustainability. This research has engaged four objectives to achieve the aim. Objective one is to explore the rudiment interaction between human and nature through interrogating history, nature’s design. Objective two is to excavate the biomimicry in emulating nature’s genius. Objective three is to investigate the association between biomimicry and sustainable development, focusing on architectural features. Objective four is to develop the framework based on the biomimicry rules for human evolution and survival in the natural environment.


To achieve objective one, the grounded theory method was applied for scrutinizing human development and human awareness about their natural environment.  To achieve objective two, an evidence study was conducted on the biomimicry emulation of nature’s genius. To achieve objective three, a critical literature review was conducted using content analysis method to identify the biomimicry focus and architectural features. Through matrix development method, the focus and architectural features were tabulated. To achieve objective four, the waterfall framework design method and case studies were conducted to plot this framework.


This research gained a better understanding of biomimicry-based on theories of the evolution of organisms, including humans in the urban context, as measurement against sustainable benchmarks. It followed the paths of ecological researcher and urban philosophers, such as Freya Mathews and Moore, by re-versioned the human relationship with nature and the surrounding environment and observing human actions and development about life principles. In particular, the research found out that biomimicry is an approach that recently becomes the focus of many researchers of different disciplines seeking a solution for human problems.

The biomimicry has been merged with sustainable architecture design through specific features; included, form and function, geometry, metaphor, movement, material, pattern, proportion, sustainability, and technology. Furthermore, biomimicry is an approach that involves nature as a model, mentor, and measure for inspiration, which converges law, principles, and strategies in the context of biomimicry-based on human evolution.


The findings allowed architects and urban designers to enhance people’s awareness of their natural environment and provide a better perception of biomimicry in the application of human world, whether founded because of base instinct or a strategic view derived from the life’s principles.

Author Biographies

M. Salim Ferwati, Qatar University, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (DAUP)

M. Salim Ferwati received a Ph.D. degree in Cultural /Behavioral Geography at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada in 1992. Between 1996 and 1999 he was active in three areas: teaching at Damascus University, architectural documentation of 80 historical buildings, and running his own architectural consultant firm. In 1999, he moved to Saudi Arabia to work at the College of Architecture and Planning at King Faisal University. In Summer 2005, he joined the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering in Sultan Qaboos University where he taught and helped in establishing the new architectural engineering program. From September 2011 to present, he joined the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning at Qatar University to participate in teaching both graduate and undergraduate students. He has several publications related to human spatial behavior, space perception and semiotics. Recently his  is focusing on  biomimicry and ecodistrict researches.

Maryam AlSuwaidi, Qatar University, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning (DAUP).

She is a candidate in the Master Program in Urban Planning and Design (MUPD) at Qatar University.

Arezou Shafaghat, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego, United States and MIT-UTM MSCP Program, Institute Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Malaysia

Dr. Arezou Shafaghat is a senior scientist, experienced academician, R & D project manager, and consultant. She has more than ten years of experience in research and consulting, and three years of teaching record. Currently, Dr. Arezo is a collaborating professor at the Center of Energy Initiatives, University of California San Diego. She was   an adjunct associate professor at the Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, and Visiting Professor at Korea Invention Academy (KIA). Her interest is in Urban and Transportation Planning, Urban Health, Urban Design, and Landscape Architecture .She has a Bachelor of Architecture (2005), received her Masters in Urban Design (2009), Ph.D. in Transportation Planning (2013) and Postdoctoral in Urban Computing (2014). Postgraduates level all from UTM, which is one of the top-3-ASEAN universities based on Times Higher Education University ranking in 2016. She has more than 50 international publications were 80% published in high ranked journals, and 50% served her contribution as 1st, 2nd or corresponding author. Dr. Arezou is serving as a reviewer for around ten high-ranked journals and experiencing more than 200 manuscripts reviewing. Dr. Arezou contributes as an Editor and reviewer in MIT-UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program (MSCP) journal publication since August 2015. Furthermore, she has contributed as Associate Guest Editor of the Desalination and Water Treatment, and Jurnal Teknologi. She received numbers of awards for her research products, patents, and service. Her selected international awards are; Gold medals from SIIF (Seoul International Invention Fair) 2015, Gold medals from 9th MRC (Malaysia Road Conference) 2014, Gold medals by ITEX 2015 and ITEX 2016, Gold medals and KIA, AIA, WIA Special Awards 2016 from CIGIF (Korea Cyber International Genius Inventor Fair) 2016. As a young researcher, you have received the order of Merit for research in "Environmental Design" by WIAF (World Inventor Award Fair) 2016, World Material Science Grand Award from WSA (World Scientist Awards) 2016, and iCAN 2017 Canada . Her international associated professional membership includes American Society of Civil Engineering - Construction Institute (ASCE) - USA, International Association for Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) - USA, and International Initiative for Sustainable Built Environment (iiSBE) -Canada, and International Federation of Inventors 'Associations (IFIA). She has been in contact with us in urban sustainable assessment (Policy tools), green transportation, eco-driver behavior, and non-motorized travel behavior. To date, you have secured total amounting to $ 1.3 Million by her research grants. 

Ali Keyvanfar, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego, United States MIT-UTM MSCP Program, Institute Sultan Iskandar, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai 81310, Malaysia

Dr. Ali Keyvanfar is an experienced academician, R&D project manager, and industry consultant internationally. Currently, he is a visiting researcher at Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego. He was the visiting professor in Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, and adjunct associate professor at Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.  He has a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (2004), received his Masters in Construction Management (2009), Ph.D. in  Civil Engineering (2013) and Postdoctoral in Materials (2014). Postgraduates level all from UTM, which is one of the top-3-ASEAN universities based on Times Higher Education University ranking in 2016.He has close to ten years of academic teaching, research and consultancy experience in  green architecture,  green material,smart construction and sustainable urban and infrastructure development. He has more than 50 publications (while 80 % of publications are in high-ranked journals, and in 50% of cases, he is the 1st, 2nd or Corresponding Author). He is serving as a reviewer for ten high-ranked journals and has the experience to assess more than 200 cases, and honored to receive the "Outstanding contribution in reviewing" award from Elsevier Journal of Energy Policy (Q1) as well as Material & Design (Q1) to this effort. Dr. Ali's privileged editorials contribution as "Managing Editor at MIT-UTM MALAYSIA SUSTAINABLE CITIES PROGRAM journal publication" in 2015-2016. He has secured several multi-disciplinary international research funds (more than USD 1.5 million). He has developed a number of award-winning research products & services that have been patented and trademarked in the construction industry. As the result of his accomplishments, as a young researcher, he has received the Korea 2016’s World Scientist Award and received honorary visiting Professorship appointment from Korea Invention Academy.







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