University Residences: A Social Opportunity and a Challenge for the Sector of Architecture


  • Joan Lluis Zamora i Mestre Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)



University residences, student housing, residential facilities, architecture



The objective of this article is to introduce the reader to the current architectural dimension and the near future of the university housing service. The author frames this dimension of university housing within the broader framework of the residential system in the Spanish state and the university mobility system. The architecture of Spanish university residences must be aligned with the changes that are occurring and will occur in the Spanish university, in relation to the campuses themselves and the multiplicity of ways of residing in the city.


A brief historical overview of the Spanish context is made, the requirements that concur in this residential service are also listed and its function is contextualized within the framework of the evolution and maturation of the higher education system. The reader is introduced in the contingencies of the provision and accessibility to this service, which significantly influence the functional and architectural program that must be executed in each case. Finally, some urban, architectural and construction challenges are introduced that go beyond the functional framework of university accommodation but emphasize its function of creating an equitable, sustainable and lively city. Finally, under the heading of trends we want to point out how this type of accommodation is strongly influenced by social trends that affect the young western population and that are reflected in the style of inhabiting these buildings.


The university housing includes a varied and diverse set of architectural and functional types of great educational and urban relevance for society. In spite of this, there is a lack of a proper legislative framework that establishes clear and sustained rules over time so that a consistent, varied and flexible demand arises to sustain a differentiated and recognizable offer of quality in the field of university accommodation.


The interest and originality of the article lies in the broad and integrated vision of the different vectors that intervene in the location, configuration and materialization of the architectural dimension of the university accommodation. To complement this vision, the reader is given access to the final section of references to an international sample of cases compiled by the author with his students.

Author Biography

Joan Lluis Zamora i Mestre, Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

Architect by the School of Architecture of Barcelona (1986) and Doctor Arquitecto, "Excelente, Cum Laude", by the UPC (1994). Professor (UPC), and researcher at the Institute of Construction Technology of Catalonia (ITEC) (since 1981). He has published several articles in magazines "CSTB magazine", "CAU", "Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme", "Tectonics", "AB", "Projeckt Revue", "INDE", "AFL", etc., and various books and book chapters for the ITEC, the Architects' Association of Catalonia and the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia, and director of the LiTA research group (Laboratory of Innovation and Technology in Architecture).






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