Location-based social media data in the study of complex urban issues: five topics, five social networks





Urban studies, urban dynamics, location-based data, social networks



Geolocated data generated by social networks allow various kinds of urban-related issues to be addressed, broadening knowledge on the different dynamics that occur in the city. This study has a twofold objective: (1) to identify which data variables from five well known social networks —Foursquare, Instagram, Twitter, Google Places and Airbnb— offer potential insights on the study of specific urban phenomena; and, (2) to delve into five exemplary urban topics that can be tackled by analysing the data from these social networks.


Social media are analysed and specific urban issues that can be assessed through their data variables are identified. Specifically, five themes that encompass several research issues are identified through the combination of different data variables.


Data generated in social networks used for urban study purposes provide a valuable opportunity to address issues such as: [1] the use and preference for certain activities and places; [2] the image and perception of urban spaces; [3] spatiotemporal patterns of people presence and urban space-use; [4] supply and demand of economic activity; and, [5] identification of areas of concentration and specialization in the city.


This up to date and easily accessible information provides a thorough picture of complex issues in relation to urban dynamics that, until recently, were not easily measurable and quantifiable. Thus, the interpretation of these data broadens knowledge on city dynamics that can be useful for decision-making processes in the planning and design of the city.

Author Biographies

Pablo Martí Ciriquián, University of Alicante

Doctor Architect. Professor, Area of Urban Planning and Territorial Planning, Department of Building and Urban Planning.

Almudena Nolasco-Cirugeda, University of Alicante

Doctor Architect. Assistant Professor, Urban Planning and Land Management Department, Department of Building and Urban Planning.

Leticia Serrano-Estrada, University of Alicante

Doctor Architect. Assistant Professor, Urban Planning and Land Management Department, Department of Building and Urban Planning.






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