The City We Would Like After COVID-19


  • Alfonso Xavier Iracheta Cenecorta seminario académico de Estudios Estratégicos del Estado de México



COVID-19, urban development, Latin America


COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected the economy and deepening inequality and poverty. Changes are going to be so deep that it is difficult to imagine that things will be as they were before the disease in Latin American countries and their cities. The magnitude of the phenomenon has been different among Latin American countries. We recognize that this crisis is the “top of the iceberg” of capitalism endemic crisis and that its impacts on cities have been profound. A brief account of the recent historical urban context of Latin American unequal and unsustainable development process shows that it has delivered cities with social, economic, spatial and environmental deep problems which represent a breeding ground for COVID-19, as well as for climate change and social inequality’s threats and for new pandemics to come. Before this panorama, we propose that “another city is possible”, if it is recognized that deep changes have to be carried out beyond the ordinary ones: the health of fossil capitalism; reduce energy consumption; recover ecosystems; transform cities. A different “territorial matrix” that recognizes cities as spaces for development, not as fatal destinies is needed; able to put ahead of the “right to the city” and the “right of nature” and that cities should be well governed with social participation. We have to recover recent good practices: work at home with labor rights, thoroughly rebuild housing, urban expansion, and mobility policies. Is it possible to imagine a response as energetic as before COVID-19 against climate change and socio-spatial inequality?

Author Biography

Alfonso Xavier Iracheta Cenecorta, seminario académico de Estudios Estratégicos del Estado de México

SNI II del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México. Investigador adscrito al seminario académico de Estudios Estratégicos del Estado de México.

Trabaja como línea de investigación prioritaria el Desarrollo metropolitano nacional e internacional en diferentes facetas (desde los análisis físico-espaciales hasta la elaboración de planes o estudios de gobernabilidad); Suelo: elementos de política de suelo urbano con énfasis en la población de más bajo ingreso; Desarrollo Urbano y Ambiente (estudios de vinculación entre las vertientes de sustentabilidad ambiental en el desarrollo urbano metropolitano). Forma parte del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores con el nivel II.

Participa en los consejos globales de ONU-Habitat sobre el "Reporte de las Ciudades en el Mundo" y es responsable del tema "Desarrollo Urbano Sustentable en América Latina" dentro del proyecto "Transformación Social-Ecológica de América Latina" de la Fundación Friedrich Ebert.

Dentro de sus publicaciones más recientes destaca el libro “La sustentabilidad en México desde la mirada metropolitana”. Es coordinador del libro “Suelo urbano y frentes de agua. Debates y propuestas en Iberoamérica”. Ha tenido innumerables participaciones como autor de capítulos de libro, en el año 2018 participo con el capítulo “Hacia una nueva política de producción social de la vivienda.”






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