Immersive Virtual Reality Application for Volumetric Composition Learning in Architectural Design
Computer processes, digital mediation, volume, architectureAbstract
This paper explains the performance of a self-developed immersive virtual reality application (Crality 0.1) to the teaching methods of architectural composition, helping education to face the challenges of teaching new generations of students, while at the same time allowing creativity as a fundamental element in this process to be enhanced with the minimum possible obstacles. The theoretical framework and indicators of creativity are taken as a framework for the processes of composition in architectural design and the principles that generate form. The evaluation is carried out by analysing the way of learning architectural composition through the application of virtual reality compared to a manual control model of physical materiality. The results led to conclude the effectiveness in the learning process of the virtual reality accompaniment, since it reduces execution times, reduces the use of material, and a greater affinity with the cognitive processes of the new generations.
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