Year 19, issue 55 (Jun. 2024)

					View Year 19, issue 55 (Jun. 2024)

With this issue the journal begins its nineteenth year of interrupted publications, every four months. On this occasion, sixteen works are published, five of them in the Articles Section, six in a Special Section, one in the Notes section. In addition, four in the Theses and dissertations section. The works of the Special Section were developed within the framework of project US.22-13 - ACCUNA_20: Universal accessibility in the rehabilitation of neighborhoods. Physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities in the residential heritage of the 20th century. 2022 Call for aids intended for Andalusian Public Universities for the development of research projects.

Published: 2024-07-08

Cover and Index

  • Cover

    Revista ACE

Article's section

Thesis section

Notes section

Special section