Understanding of the logic of nesting of the different realities of architectural space: pedagogical approach


  • Férida Sellem Mahjoub
  • Faïza Bouricha Bouabid


Education of architecture in the first year at the national school of architecture and urbanism of Tunis is subject to different experiences drawing their theoretical foundations in several disciplinary fields. Considering the work of several scientists dealing with the perception of space, geometry, as well as effects of sense and the anthropological dimension of architecture, we have introduced a pedagogical approach to deal with architectural space according to the geometric tripartition: topological structures, projective structures and metric structures. The object of this article relate to the pedagogical approach of an exercise registering upstream from the last chapter ‘an introduction to architectural design’. This exercise is the accompaniment of the students in the understanding of the different types of apprehended spaces and the mechanisms underlying their relationship development.



