Pretty Woman and the Guardia Civil


  • Xavier Monteys Roig



The existence of templates and texts about how toapproach academic research in architecture and the proliferationof journal databases have triggered the race forachieving the publication of a journal article. Under suchconditions, the exponential increase of published articles isinversely proportional to their actual quality.

Some academic professionals from University positionthemselves against the publication of complete thesesand dissertations, emphasizing the increased benefit in theform of research points to be obtained by dividing the workinto pieces and publishing it in separate articles. In thissituation, in which gaining points becomes the final goal,with the subsequent harm to research and architecture,the peer-review process appears as a crucial element.

As architects, our natural calling is the same as constructors.This attitude should also promote the construction ofa book, as motivating as the construction of a building.The current trend of dismembering our research productsdemands a deep reflection as well as an enhancement ofthe essay as a writing piece, hardly assessable through thewidely used current templates.




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