A tour from the top to the bottom. A plane parallel to the ground in Adalberto Libera’s architecture


  • Eduardo Blanes Pérez




techo, ligereza, cúpula, estructura, suelo, mecanismo


The appearance of a second line, above the horizon,
in the romantic landscape painter Friedrich, modify the picture plane. With this new line will narrow the distant landscape, an intermediate level between the ground plane and the ceiling, both as Soane and Libera, from Friedrich, that was understood by them as an active mechanism of the project. That line, that in the painting was a rainbow, will be transformed, in the field of architecture, over a large area as flat roof.
The reformulation of the ceiling plane is constant in the works of Soane and Libera, seeking a type of recessed dome will challenge gravity and become a trigger mechanism of architectural space. Three are the elements that will be taken as an object of study: floor, ceiling and structure-enclosure.


