Projecting from the human factor. The dialogue with the man by Javier Carvajal


  • Ana Espinosa García-Valdecasas Universidad Politécnica de Madrid



Carvajal House, Valdecasas House, humanism, dwelling.


This article explores the figure of Javier Carvajal and his consideration of the active willingness of “the other” at the beginning of the creative process, at his conviction that the crisis of his time is the crisis of a man’s abstract model who asks the architects for reborn humanism.
The houses of Somosaguas are exposed as a paradigm of his anthropological concept. In them, the answer requires to structure the plurality of two ways of living in a set with vocation of unity. It is only possible to reconcile opposite solutions through an attitude of dialogue.
The house is the closest space to the human being. The significance of such an essential action as to contain is impregnated by two constitutive poles of human nature: the need for insight, and on the other side the existence of an era, with the others, in the world.
For Carvajal, the footprint of the existence leaves its wound in the territory configuring history, support for creation of a perpetually renovated future.

Author Biography

Ana Espinosa García-Valdecasas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Arquitecto por la ETSAM (1998). Beca de Formación de profesorado de la UPM (2001)

Pertenece al grupo de investigación Cltura del Hábitat (UPM). Desde 2002 es Coordinadora de la Cátedra Blanca de Madrid (UPM) junto con Álvaro Moreno con quien desde 2010 es responsable de la línea de investigación “Materia y Espacio”, que se vincula a la docencia por medio de la asignatura Taller Experimental I.

Colaboró en proyectos singulares en los estudios de Javier Carvajal, Blanca Lleó y Rafael Olalquiaga. Actualmente codirige el estudio Espinosa + Moreno arquitectos. Su trabajo ha sido premiado, publicado y expuesto.






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