



Architecture, Art, Ephemeral, Knowledge, Transversality.


At a time when, facing of a new reality, architecture is exposed more than ever to its elastic capacity, having the need to define new professional profiles that have blurred the classic figure of the architect beyond the pure building, I take the invitation of this magazine on the 20th anniversary of Cátedra Blanca to share a vision of the profession, as an opportunity to review the impact, value and influence of art and the mixture between architects, thinkers and artists, through ephemeral architecture.
The lack of art complexes to formulate uncomfortable questions and find new expressive languages, allowed many architects to see in their free nature the opportunity to discover all kinds of synergies by mixing with each other, thus building bridges between seemingly independent disciplines when betting on transversality. From this experience resulted in many cases the definition of new postulates that changed the way of understanding contemporary architecture. From Jackson Pollock to Mark Rothko, through the mutual influence between the members of the Independent Group or the CoBrA group, and the value of their work together in the form of ephemeral spaces (and their ability to establish those as manifestos), in which the challenge It is to give palpable form to knowledge.

Author Biography

Estel Ortega Vazquez, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB.

Profesora asociada del Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la ETSAB, Profesora asociada de la School of Architecture y fundadora del estudio 15515 Arquitectura.





