About the Publication

Focus and scope


Research lines / Thematic lines of the seminar

The objective of the SIIU is the study of various topics in the field of urban planning, mainly in Latin America and Europe, although it is open to contributions from around the globe. The research map brings together a constellation of themes around six main lines: urban morphology, contemporary metropolis, territorial analysis and project, theory and history of the city, Analysis and management of the landscape and urban-housing regeneration.


Theory and History of the city

The city and urban areas, as products linked to progress, constitute an essential object of study. Theories about the urban phenomenon and the processes it triggers, knowledge of the past, interpreted in the light of the interrelation of different social, economic, political and technological factors, provide useful disciplinary knowledge.

This research line is oriented towards the deepening of the knowledge of the bases of modern urban planning, contemporary urban planning theories, the social evolution and construction of the city, the ways of planning the city and the derived incidents.


Urban Morphology

This line of research aims to study urban forms and their components, according to their evolutionary processes and the current situation. Special emphasis is placed on issues such as urban regeneration, taking into account criteria of sustainability, energy efficiency and urbanity in the construction of cities in constant evolution.

Another fundamental objective is the study of the models, techniques and project methods applied to the construction of the city. It includes the study of urban planning instruments, urban analysis and case studies that allow structuring knowledge and evaluating the usefulness of its practical application.


Contemporary metropolis

The increase in the concentration of population and activities in large metropolitan agglomerations highlights shortcomings and limitations for its inhabitants. Given the scarcity of theoretical models on the metropolitan dimension of contemporary cities, the need arises to study the composition, structure and relationship of the components that constitute it, identify those key elements of its operation and form that give it urbanity, understood as wealth of urban and social relations.

The fields covered by this subject include the study of residential habitat, collective urban places, the renewal of public space in compact cities, the characteristics of metropolitan mobility, the shape, dimension and characteristics of urban networks and the role of space. open in the contemporary metropolis.


Territorial analysis and project

The study of the phenomena that influence the transformation of the territory, as well as the models, methods and instruments used in his project calls for an update given the uncertainty and increasing intensity of the changes. The growth of cities and the resulting territorial transformations occur in a specific way on each continent. The interest in urban processes that occur in Latin America fuels this line of research, shared with researchers from the DUOT.

This line delves into urban causes and phenomena and their effects on urban and territorial form. It deals with the urban explosion in Latin America in the context of a changing reality, in a world in constant evolution.


Landscape analysis and planning

Reflections on the relationship of society with nature and those analyzes of the free space comprehensive system of the environmental and cultural matrix of the territory are collected. urban planning and as a structuring element of the contemporary city, the free space, the landscape is at the center of the urban and territorial debate. The proposed investigations on landscape are transversal, from the taxonomic postulates of Geography through the environmental ones of Ecology or the transformers of Architecture.

The themes of this line include cartographic representation as the construction of a cartographic story for the study of ordinary landscapes, their integration and use as key pieces in the system of free spaces.

Cultural landscapes, understood as a key to managing territories with vulnerable natural and cultural heritage, based on the identification of actors, daily practices and instruments for the valorization of heritage.

Tourism landscapes invite the study of the characteristics and processes of coastal tourism landscapes, the study of Tourism Architectures, Plans and Projects for leisure and the study of different Strategies for Rehabilitation, Regeneration and Renovation of tourist territories .


Urban-housing regeneration

Linked to the notion of Regeneration, this line of research aims to address the issue of regeneration, renovation, reconversion, improvement, etc. of urban-housing fabrics either because they have fallen into obsolescence, deterioration, change of use, abandonment, etc. The line of research thus hopes to approach the study of the problem of work on the city already built, addressing its dimensions such as the proposals made in the field of housing and the city (in all its scales), design of public policies, applied methodologies, models management and governance, citizen participation, sustainability of interventions, etc.


Post-Crisis City

The crisis that affected much of the world ten years ago has produced a series of effects and has accentuated others. On the one hand, inequality in the city has deepened, with a growing number of poor people and the consequent difficulty in accessing housing. This has triggered certain processes of social segregation, with wide consequences in the collective space.

In some cities, in addition, tourism has generated both negative and positive consequences, which have been addressed with greater or lesser success depending on the case. Linked to this, the gentrification and homogenization of certain areas of the city have been accentuated, which are beginning to be common in different capitals of the world.

All these problems undoubtedly affect the way in which the city and the metropolis are governed, where the conflicts of powers between the public and private sectors and the actors of both, face increasingly growing challenges.


Bottom-up urbanism

This line of research is focused on a series of theories and movements that start from the local and its interest in the communities. It is the study of urbanism that starts from the bottom up, that works from and towards the human scale, that has an important component of creativity due to its tendency to innovation and experimentation, that is low cost due to its social commitment, which usually be informal because of its spontaneous nature and that it is a builder of citizenship. Its objective is regenerative since it generally focuses on recovering areas in decline by empowering citizens and promoting their intercommunication.

It originates from the work of John Turner and in recent years it has assumed new objectives such as the offer of services, social equity, the creative economy, caring for the environment and ecology, among others. His way of acting includes numerous names such as: Advocacy plan, Collaborative Urbanism, Do It Yourself Urbanism, Urban Actions, Tactical Urbanism, Handmade Urbanism, Participatory Urbanism, Informal Urbanism and Provisional Urbanism, among others.


City and health. Pandemic.

The current crisis caused by the COVID 19 pandemic has revealed its effects on the city, housing, and public space throughout the world: streets, squares, parks, facilities, transportation systems, supply systems, security and food sovereignty, relations with rurality and forms of production, places of work and study, and the increase in remote or virtual settings.

It has also highlighted the differences between the authorities and the inhabitants in relation to the policies, planning, ordering, perceptions and way of occupying and inhabiting the space, the actions taken by authorities and the initiatives of the citizens and communities that have taken place. organized aware that not everything can come from rules or government actions imposed from above.

This emergency situation brings new concepts or redefinitions to the table, as well as the adoption of updated historical models, changes in paradigms, habits, intensity of use and norms in relation to urban space and its components.

This line proposes to collect the diagnoses, situations and proposals regarding this issue.


Sustainable city

Sustainable city is one that does not exceed the carrying capacity of the natural base that sustains it and respects its resilience thresholds. Much of the research that this thematic line investigates about the relationship between the city and the natural base of the ecoregion where it arises. Another important topic that is investigated is the imbalance that occurs in the use of resources such as water, energy and matter, as well as the human factors that are involved in environmental impacts, their causes, consequences and possible solutions at different scales. 


Precarious urban settlements

Informal settlements, slums, and other slums are a global urban phenomenon. According to UN-Habitat, 33% of the world's urban population continues to live in slums despite the constant implementation of public policies that promote access to housing, basic infrastructure and services for the urban population with fewer economic resources. . Although these settlements exist throughout the world, they are more evident in cities in the southern hemisphere where they are called under various terms: favelas, informal city, shanty towns, slums, spontaneous neighborhoods, among others. Urban, construction and property ownership irregularities remain common characteristics of these settlements, and reflect poor living conditions framed in a significant housing deficit that is difficult to overcome from urban policies or the responses of the real estate market. Those who live in these settlements suffer greater economic, social and spatial exclusion from the benefits and opportunities of cities. In sum, they are vulnerable to the adverse effects of being exposed to an urban environment dominated by poverty. In this line, it is interesting to deepen the study and understanding of the dynamics of formation, consolidation and transformation of precarious settlements. Likewise, understand the role of the social agents that intervene in its production as well as examine policies and innovative intervention strategies that promote its improvement and transformation.


Spatial Justice and Territorial Planning

Although the concept of spatial justice is associated with the work of social scientists such as Castells, Florida and Fainstein, it directly concerns territorial planning at an urban and regional scale since it has to do with the equitable distribution of housing, workplaces, facilities , economic activities, public space, infrastructure and conditions for transport, accessibility. Likewise with the protection, conservation and use of natural and patrimonial resources.

Within the framework of the Peace Agreement in Colombia, instruments have been formulated for the territorial ordering of municipalities and regions in which this exercise had not been carried out for 20 years. Therefore, the congress opens the space for the presentation of research in this sense that allows us to know their proposals, the meteorological approaches and the results obtained.

The congress is open to receive research protocols, works in development and completed.


Peer review process

All the papers presented to SIIU will be evaluated by external and blind peers, selected by the international scientific committee.

The Scientific Committee will be made up of members with a marked academic profile and active in the field of research. Each member of the committee is recorded on the platform with their academic link.


Open access policy

SIIU makes available to the international community in open and free access mode all accepted papers that have passed the peer review process. Communications are subject to the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 in order to disseminate the results of the research presented. This license allows others to download the works and share them with others, as long as their authorship is acknowledged, but they cannot be changed in any way or used commercially (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc- nd / 4.0 / deed.es_ES; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode.es).

All the contributions of these conferences are published electronically by incorporating them into the open access repository of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: UPC Commons, with its corresponding direct access link (DOI and handle).



The seminar aims to facilitate an instance of shared reflection on research in the field of urban planning and generate an exchange between researchers on phenomena linked to urbanization, urban and territorial transformation in Barcelona and different Ibero-American countries.

It is proposed to analyze the characteristics of the transformation processes of the territory and the factors that explain them, in relation to planning, project and sustainable renovation strategies for cities and regions. It is intended to integrate different scales and perspectives of analysis, typical of urban, metropolitan and regional planning and management, of urban and architectural design; of urban geography and sociology, which are usually examined in isolation in different forums.



We invite young researchers who are developing their master's, doctorate or postdoctoral degrees, as well as academics and researchers and public service professionals, so that they can discuss their progress in one or another location: Barcelona or Chile.

Research results can be presented that test new perspectives of analysis and case studies on experiences carried out, in order to organize a space for shared reflection on the problems of the city and the territory.

You are invited to submit communications referring to the research lines already described. 



Each of the SIIU headquarters (Barcelona and the corresponding Latin American headquarters) will have a section, coordinated by the respective section coordinators, to carry out the article evaluation process. The Scientific Committee will be the same for both sections.


Publication frequency

SIIU Seminar is held once a year, with the corresponding publication of the proceedings.


Original publication and peer review process

The SIIU will consider for its evaluation and publication only those communications that have not been published before in another congress, magazine or in any format. If there is suspicion about the originality of a work, the editors have the right to question the authors about it.

The SIIU Editors will ensure that the peer review process is fair and that there are no conflicts of interest. However, if during the review process there are discrepancies between author, editor and reviewer, it will be understood that these are produced under a constructive critical spirit, in order to improve the publication.

The works presented to the SIIU will be audited with the Urkund plagiarism detection tool.


Authorship of communications

Articles with several authors will be accepted, up to a maximum of four authors. To be considered the author of a scientific article, it is understood that the person must have participated in the conception and design of the work or in the analysis and interpretation of the data obtained; Likewise, the authors must have participated in the writing of the article and in the critical review of its content. The authors of a work may consign a section of acknowledgement to include those who have collaborated in the preparation of the work but are not considered authors.

No more than one proposal per author will be accepted. However, the same author may submit a solo proposal and be a co-author of a second proposal.

All images included in the works must be accompanied by the respective reference to the original source from which it comes.


Acknowledgments and collaborations

Servei Disseny i Desenvolupament Solucions TIC (UPC)

- Fran Máñez

Biblioteca de l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (UPC)

- Mònica Bonich

- Inma Suy

- Marta Serrat

Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius (UPC)

- Alejandro Yoldi