A room by consensus? The street that we are building in the residential enclaves and what we can do to recover it. The case of Bogotá.


  • Ramón Bermúdez Obregón Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá.




"The street is a room by consensus" (Kahn, 1971), where the buildings that delimit it are in charge of giving it its purpose and character (Monteys, 2017). This presentation starts from this premise to propose a review of the archetypal urban elements that still shape the city today: the Street, the corner, the square and the block. It is up to us to study them in detail to understand their values ​​and their survival in the city of residential enclaves and to look for constructable alternatives to solve their obvious shortcomings (Sennett, 2018). This presentation aims to establish the bases of the CIUDAD ISLA pilot project, which has focused on demonstrating the viability of introducing consensual architectures to form active borders in the public space of the existing city, taking advantage of the available free spaces. The case study chosen is Bogotá due to the magnitude of the phenomenon of residential enclaves in the urban fabric. In 2018 the city had 3,500 closed complexes (De la Carrera, 2014) that housed 38% of urban households (Kostenwein, 2020) Keywords: intervene enclaves, active edge, closed set, permeability, porosity

Author Biography

Ramón Bermúdez Obregón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogotá.


profesor invitado Escuela de Arquitectura. UNAL Bogotá. 

socio director www.bermudezarquitecos.com


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