AGRICULTURAL FRONTIERS, MARKET AND CONFLICT Persistence of violence in the Guaviare watershed




From the critical analysis of the factors and actors of the violence and the geographical, historical, social and economic antecedents of the occupation of the territory, it is intended to address the question of why the conflict persists in the Guaviare river watershed, confluence of the departments del Meta, Guaviare and Vichada, one of the regions most characterized by this phenomenon in Colombia, expressed in the substitution of violent actors, the increase in illicit crops, illegal mining and environmental damage.


This, four years after signing the 2016 peace agreement and despite the fact that it established for some of these areas, especially affected by violence, specific figures of attention (Zones most affected by the conflict (ZOMAC), Development programs with territorial approach (PDET) with community participation, institutional presence and investment, to solve the causes of the conflict that had had the greatest impact there and facilitate comprehensive social development.


Finally, recognizing the total incidence of the model and the legal and illegal economic actors, the expansion of the agricultural frontier and the interrelation with strategic corridors in regional dynamics, a different treatment of the conflict is proposed, focusing attention on controlling these factors; as much or more than the armed actors.


Keywords Conflict, territorial control, economic model

Thematic block:  analysis and territorial project

Author Biography

Luis Fernando González Giraldo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Asesor Juridico Independiente en materia de ordenamiento territorial y vivienda


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