The game as a re-significator of the circumstance and the city


  • Laura Vanegas Luna Universidad de los Andes



Play, understood as a social activity practiced by humans, takes place in its own kind of place: the playspace. This text finds itself on the premise that play allows players to understand and use an environment in new and unforeseen ways, assigning new meanings and interpretations to the city and said environment. Thus, this text supports itself on the study of games performed in public spaces, a hide-and-seek session and conversations held with Pokémon Go users. Taking these studies into account, unique and different kinds of living and experiencing a place during a play session can be identified. In this way, unexpected and unplanned visions of the city and inhabited environments are acknowledged due to the performance of play.


Keywords: playspace, play in the city, public space, cities revisited

Topic: Public space and urban project in the contemporary city


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