FEMINIST URBAN PROJECT AS A PUBLIC POLITICS REVIEW TOOL. Pedagogical experiences of projectual diagnosis in the popular habitat of the south of Buenos Aires


  • Anabella Roitman UBA – FADU – Programa GADU – PIT PUR 40: Urbanismo Feminista – Buenos Aires
  • María Victoria Ara UBA – FADU – Programa GADU – PIT PUR 40: Urbanismo Feminista – Buenos Aires
  • Patricia Barroso UBA – FADU – Programa GADU – PIT PUR 40: Urbanismo Feminista – Buenos Aires




Feminist Urbanism is a research project from FADU - UBA in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which aims to make visible the imbrication of theoretical ideas of Feminism in urban planning, through the analysis, diagnosis and proposal of public policies. For this exercise, the objective was to explore the possibilities of "Urban Project" as an urban planning instrument, on the attempt to consider it as an interface for understanding public policies for the redevelopment of a slum.

The experience allowed the articulation of notions such as Popular Habitat, Urban Project and Feminist Urbanism, in addition to the exchange of experiences between the academy, the government areas, and neighborhood political spaces. The interns were able to have an approach to the understanding of popular habitat from the theoretical ideas of feminism, developed through gender perspective as a methodology.


Keywords: Feminist Urbanism, Urban Project, Public Policies, Popular Habitat.




