Landscape units as an urban-territorial analysis method. Methodological aspects of reading and scale


  • Cláudio Valentim Rocha Leal Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Glauco de Paula Cocozza Programa de Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



This research intends to present the results of a bibliographic review regarding the methodological differences in the application of Landscape Units, seeking to identify how each urban or territorial profile can be raised from each approach. The methodology consisted of a bibliographic review of concepts and studies by authors relevant to the subject, such as: Landscape and Landscape Units, urban reading and scale, and landscape analysis parameters. Then, the stage of elaboration of a synthesis table was carried out with the groups of methodological procedures found for the application of the UPs from the research considered most relevant for the elaboration of the case studies, considering the keywords “units of landscape” and “methodology” as a filter for selection; finally, in the last stage, the methodological sets were presented from the elaboration of two synthesis tables, the first on the distinction of the methodological procedures applied by each researcher and, the second, on the basic characteristics of the method: cut, the objective of application and reading scale. After the synthesis tables, the methodological sets were exemplified with the control cases. It was observed that the methodological procedure occurs from three benchmarks: determination of the scope of the study (spatial clipping), determination of the objectives of the study and determination of the spatial scope of action.

Keywords: landscape, landscape units, methodology, literature review.




