(Re)Discovering Invisible Cartographies: a proposal for cartographies of public space among conceived, perceived and lived


  • Andrei Mikhail Zaiatz Crestani Universidade Positivo
  • Camila Schnepper Beraldo Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
  • Pedro José Assis Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná




This text questions: how can critical cartography of everyday life reorient the study of public space? Methodologically, the work is structured in two moments: theoretical and analytical. Initially, some concepts are articulated to elucidate the idea of "critical cartography" at the study of public space. Subsequently, the axis Rua Barão do Rio Branco - Rua Riachuelo, in Curitiba PR, is explored in an essayistic approach, in the conceived, perceived and lived dimensions of the production of public space. In the end, the cartographies make it possible to recognize that the imbrications of the three dimensions are sustained between silences and pronouncements that are equally intense in the production of public space. Such a methodological exercise reveals the cartography of everyday life as way to study of public space, insofar as it overcomes traditional mappings and makes it possible for the daily content to unfold invisible issues and contents that sustain the production of public space.

Keywords: Public Space, Critical cartography, Everyday life, Curitiba




