The women mobility in the city of São Paulo. Experience, precautions and autonomy


  • Marina Pereira Santos Gomes da Silva Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento Urbano e Regional da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo



This article presents some of the main results of a chapter that makes up a master's thesis. From a qualitative and approximate observation of a group of eleven female university students, it sought to collect information about their daily experiences and perceptions related to their daily journeys made for the purpose of a home-university trip, in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. As a result, it was expected that insecurity and the fear of suffering some type of sexual violence were the main elements highlighted by the students as obstacles to ensuring safe urban mobility. However, access limitations and the poor quality of public transport systems proved to have a strong impact on the precautions taken, perceptions of insecurity and feelings of fear and vulnerability. At the same time, it was noticed that there is a search for autonomy and appropriation of measures to face elements that limit and hinder their urban mobility.

Keywords: urban mobility, women, latin america, gender inequalities




