Technologies of the Commons. Fictions about the caring city and the production of housing cooperatives in Uruguay


  • Lorena Logiuratto FADU, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo; UdelaR, Universidad de la República; Uruguay
  • Maite Echaider FADU, Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo; UdelaR, Universidad de la República; Uruguay



The houses made in Uruguay under the cooperative system since the beginning of the 70s, are recognized as a socially and politically legitimized way of collective construction of the habitat. From its bases, the system promotes a collective model that forms an alternative to the hegemonic ways of the market to produce habitable space with a national territory reach. The proposal presented is the result of the link between academic networks and the Gender Area of the Uruguayan Federation of Mutual Aid Cooperatives (FUCVAM) with the aim of building a critical and proactive look at the modes of production and use of the housing cooperatives collective space, leaning on urban formulations of feminism. Particularly, addressing hypotheses of transformations in the configuration, quantification, distribution, uses and arrangements of common spaces, understood as areas capable of redirecting roles and relationships, based on sex-gender regulations, and articulating various social care strategies linked to the sustainability of life.

Keywords: Care, Commons, Cooperatives, Gender




