RUAS E INTELIGENCIAS URBANAS por uma governança inteligente e sustentável do Centro Histórico do Recife


  • Clarissa Duarte UNICAP, Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, Brasil
  • Pierre Fernandez ENSAT, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Toulouse, France
  • Yann Ferguson ICAM, Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers, Toulouse, France



The article presented here aims to investigate methodologies of urban pedagogy capable of contributing to a more integrated and inclusive urban governance. Operationally, it is about the analysis of collective exercises inserted in an action research whose hypothesis defends that “the street is the synthesis unit of the city and, therefore, from its integrated and inclusive planning, it is possible to catalyze the conquest of healthier and more sustainable cities”. We will explore here the process of an urban pedagogy workshop called "Intelligences of the Center and for the Center: what intentions and actions?", prepared in the light of concepts such as “Urban Intelligences” (MATTERN, 2021) and “Citizen Street” (DUARTE at all, 2018), in addition to the approach of “Learning Territories” by Gwiazdzinski, L. & Cholat, F .(2021). As an expected result, it is intended to value discussions on the strategic role of streets and human intelligence in city governance.

Keywords: Streets, Urban Intelligences, Urban Pedagogy, Sustainable Urban Governance.




