Architecture collectives in Recife. From the emergence to the incorporation of practices in institutional projects in Recife post #OcupeEstelita.


  • Bruno de Albuquerque Ferreira Lima Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil
  • Fernando Diniz Moreira Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil



Despite not having achieved all the proposed objectives, the #OcupeEstelita movement left an important legacy in Recife, Brazil. One of the legacies was to inspire a generation of young architects to organize themselves into collectives and explore new territories and ways of working in the city. The collaborative work carried out by the collectives, focusing on tactical urbanism actions, had a significant impact and led to the incorporation of their practices and members in municipal institutional projects, such as Parque Capibaribe and Mais Vida Nos Morros. In this article, through interviews with six members of local collectives who later became involved in the analyzed institutional projects, we establish a parallel between the performance of urban collectives and institutional interventions. The testimonies allow us to assess the motivations, conditions, limits of action and dilemmas of collaborative practices in facing the profound lack of infrastructure and urban maintenance that characterize Recife.

Keywords: Collectives of architecture, tactical urbanism, urban renewal.




